We’re happy to announce that, one year after version 0.1.0 was released, Linkerd has processed over 100 billion production requests in companies around the world. Happy birthday, Linkerd! Let’s take a look at all that we’ve accomplished over the past year.
We released Linkerd into the wild in February 2016, with nothing more than a couple commits, a few early contributors, and some very big dreams. Fast-forward by one year, and Linkerd has already grown to 30+ releases, 800+ commits, 1500+ stars, 30+ contributors, 600+ people in the Linkerd Slack, and 30-odd companies around the globe using it in production (or on the path to production)—including folks like Monzo, Zooz, NextVR, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Olark and Douban.
Not to mention, of course, that Linkerd is now officially a CNCF project, alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, gRPC, and a couple other other amazing projects that are defining the very landscape of cloud native infrastructure.
To the many contributors, users, and community members—thank you for helping us make Linkerd so successful this past year. (And thank you for privately sharing your production request volumes and deployment dates, which allow us to make big claims like the one above!) We couldn’t have asked for a better community. We’d especially like to thank Oliver Beattie, Jonathan Bennet, Abdel Dridi, Borys Pierov, Fanta Gizaw, Leo Liang, Mark Eijsermans, Don Petersen, and Oleksandr Berezianskyi for their contributions to the project and the community.
Finally, here’s a fun vanity metric graph, courtesy of Tim Qian’s excellent Github star history plotter:

Here’s to another great year for Linkerd!
— William, Oliver, and the gang at Buoyant.